B-FRESH MOUTH WASH 250 ML (ازرق نعناع قوي)



* B-Fresh Antiseptic && Refreshing Mouth && Dental Wash / Gargle. With Fluoride. Peppermint Flavour.
& & – strengthens the teeth && protects them from erosion.
& & – sanitizes and refreshes the mouth, removes the odour resulting from smoking or different foods && beverages.
& & – prevents the deposition of plaque.
& & – relieves gum && teeth inflammations.
& & – relieves throat && larynx inflammations.
* Composition: Each 100 ml contains:- strengthens the teeth && protects them from erosion.
& & Cetylpyridinium chloride 0.05 g + Sodium fluoride 0.05 g
* Usage:
& & Fill a cup undiluted for mouth wash or gargle for 30 seconds morning and evening.
* For topical use only and not to be swallowed.
* Store away from direct sunlight.


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