MAGNA – BIOTIC 1200 MG 1 VIAL ماغنا – بيولوجي 1200 مجم 1 فيال



* Intravenous vials for injection or infusion containing 1200 mg. (Amoxycillin && Clavulanic acid).
* Composition: Each vial contains:
& & Amoxycillin (as sodium salt) 1000 mg + Clavulanic acid (as pot. clavulanate) 200 mg.
* Indications:
& & – Upper respiratory tract && E.N.T. infections:
& & Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc.
& & – Lower respiratory tract infections:
& & Bronchitis, pneumonia, empyema, lung abscess, etc.
& & – Gastrointestinal infections:
& & Enteritis, biliary tract infections.
& & – Genito-urinary tract infections:
& & Cystitis, urethritis, gonorrhea etc.
& & – Skin && soft tissue infections:
& & Cellulitis, erysipelas, boils, carbuncles etc.
& & – Others:
& & Septicemia, osteomyelitis, etc.
* Contraindications:
& & A history of allergic reactions to penicillin.
* Precautions:
& & – Intravenous Magna-biotic should be used with care in patients with evidence of severe hepatic dysfunction.
& & – Magna-biotic dosage should be adjusted for patients with severe or moderate renal impairment.
& & – Magna-biotic should be avoided during pregnancy especially during the first trimester.
& & – During lactation, trace quantities of penicillins can be detected in breast milk.
* Dosage:
& & # Oral suspension and tablets:
& & @ Adults and children over 12 years:
& & – Mild and moderate infections: one tablet Magna-biotic 375 mg every 8 hours.
& & – Severe infections: one tablet Magna-biotic 625 mg every 8 hours.
& & @ Children:
& & – 9 months – 2 years: half teaspoonful (2.5 mL) Magna-biotic 156.25 mg every 8 hours.
& & – 2-7 years: one teaspoonful (5 mL) Magna-biotic 156.25 mg every 8 hours.
& & – 7-12 years: two teaspoonfuls (10 mL) Magna-biotic 156.25 mg every 8 hours, or one teaspoonful (5 mL)
& & Magna-biotic 312.5 mg every 8 hours.
& & In severe infections these dosages may be doubled.
& & # Vials:
& & (I.V. injection or infusion)
& & @ Adults and children over 12 years: 1200 mg each 8 hours.
& & In severe infections: 1200 mg every 6 hours.
& & @ Children:
& & – 3 months-12 years: 30 mg/kg each 8 hours.
& & – In more serious infections: 30 mg/kg each 6 hours.
& & – Children less than 3 months: 30 mg/kg each 12 hours (in premature infants and in full term infants during
& & the prenatal period), increasing to 8 hourly intervals thereafter.
& & N.B.:
& & . Each 30 mg Magna-biotic vial contains 25 mg amoxycillin and 5 mg clavulanic acid.
& & . Therapy can be started parentrally and continued with an oral preparation.
& & . Treatment with Magna-biotic should not exceed beyond 14 days without medical review.
* Storage: Keep at temp. less than 25 degrees C.


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