BIO. SENSIBIO EYE CONTOUR GEL 15 ML جل كنتور لمحيط العين – 15مل



بيوديرما سينسيبيو جل كنتور لمحيط العين – 15مل
Bioderma Sensibio Eye Contour Gel – 15ml
يخفّف الهالات السوداء، ويقلّل الانتفاخ، ويعمل على شد الجلد حول العينين
مضاف إليه عناصر ترطيب لعلاج آثار الشيخوخة المبكرة وتضرر المنطقة المحيطة بالعينين
يعالج مظاهر التعب والإجهاد وأعراض العمل المفرط
Sensibio Eye instantly soothes sensations of discomfort and irritation in the eye area, biologically strengthens the skin’s resistance to attacks and increases the tolerance threshold of sensitive skin. A new biological breakthrough for sensitive skin, the Toléridine patent, boosted by the D.A.F.Dermatological Advanced Formulation patented natural complex, inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory molecules and thus makes the skin less reactive. Caffeine, a decongesting ingredient found in Sensibio Eye, helps reduce puffiness. Hyaluronic acid and light-reflecting powders smoothe out and reduce crow’s-feet lines.

Reduces dark circles, diminishes puffiness, and tones skin around the eyes
Supplemented with hydrating actions to repair premature ageing and damage around the eye
Tackles looks of fatigue, stress and overworking symptoms

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