SILVER LINE – CU 380 AG لولب سيلفر لاين



* Silver Line 380 (Cu 380 Ag) Intrauterine Contraceptive Device. Single Unit.
* Each plastic frame has approximately 348 mg copper wire with silver core on its vertical arm.
& & Total surface area of copper on the device is 380mm2.
* Warning: STERILE unless the package is damaged or opened. Insertion instrument should not
& & be reused and should be destroyed after use. The device is for single use only.
* Administration: To be inserted in the uterus only by or under the supervision of the doctor.
& & See detailed instructions before use. It is recommended that the unit be replaced by 5 years
& & from the date of insertion.
* Storage: Protect from heat, sunlight, water and mechanical shocks.
* Manufactured by: PREGNA INTERNATIONAL LTD., INDIA. Imported by: DKT Egypt LLC – Egypt.


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