SPASMOFEN 3 AMP 2 ML سبازموفين 3 أمب 2 مل



* Indications:
& & – Renal colic.
& & – Biliary colic.
& & – Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea.
& & – Postpartum pain.
& & – As an aid in diagnosis of therapeutic procedures, e.g., gastroduodenal endoscopy, and radiotherapy.
* Dosage: for adults 1-2 ampoules daily according to the condition, injected deep intramuscularly.
* Precautions: Hyoscine may cause drowsiness, decreased mental alertness. Patients should avoid driving vehicles and taking
& & alcohol while under the influence of treatment. The drug should be given with caution to pregnant && lactating women.


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