STREPTOQUIN 10 TAB ستربتوكين 10 اقراص



* Streptoquin 10 tablets. Antidiarrheal – Antispasmodic.
* Composition: Each tablet contains:
& & Diiodohydroxyquinoline 200 mg + Phthalyl sulphathiazole 200 mg + Streptomycin sulfate 100 mg +
& & Homatropine methyl bromide 2.5 mg.
* Streptoquin is an effective combination For the treatment of Infective diarrhea Associated with colic.
* Anti-bacterial – Anti-protozoal – Anti-Spasmodic.
* Indications:
& & – Chronic intestinal amebiasis.
& & – Bacillary dysentery.
& & – Diarrhea caused by other intestinal infections and associated with intestinal colic.
* Contraindications:
& & Streptoquin is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to sulfonamides.
* Dosage: 1-2 tablets 3 times daily or as directed by the physician.
* Store below 30 degrees C., Protect from moisture and light.


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