TADANERFI 5mg Provides Rapid onset of action.
TADANERFI 5mg Provides Accurate dose with ensured efficacy.
TADANERFI 5mg Has an unique mode of action.
TADANERFI 5mg Respects patient privacy .
TADANERFI 5mg has Exceptional safety profile.
TADANERFI 5mg Is the only Tadalafil 5mg ODF product in Egypt that melts in the mouth in less than 3 seconds.
TADANERFI 5mg has versatility of doses and regimen.
TADANERFI (5mg Tadalafil) is the only PDE5 inhibitor FDA approved for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and/or Erectile Dysfunction (ED) ”

TADANERFI 5mg : is highly effective in reduction of BPH symptoms .
TADANERFI 5mg : provides easy and rapid restoration of sexual spontaneity .
Dosage & administration:
Package of 20 oral dissolvable film.

OnDemand Dose:

1 Film daily at approximately the same time for management of Erectile dysfunction

TADANERFI 5mg for treatment of BPH and/or ED, the recommended dose is one film taken at approximately the same time every day.

Method of ODF administration

Gently peel both parts of the pouch apart at the arrow mark.
Hold the film with dry fingers.
Place the film on the tongue and allow to dissolve.
تادانيرفى لاصقة تذوب داخل الفم
المادة الفعالة:

– تادالافيل 5 مجم


– علاج حالات ضعف الإنتصاب عند الرجال.

– علاج تضخم البروستاتا.


– حالات ضعف الإنتصاب : يتم وضع لاصقة على اللسان قبل الجماع بنصف ساعة أو ساعة ، و بحد أقصى مرة واحدة يوميا.

– تختلف الجرعة من شخص لآخر طبقا للحالة حيث تتراوح الجرعة بين 5 إلى 20 مجم قبل الجماع.

– حالات تضخم البروستاتا : يتم وضع لاصقة على اللسان تركيز 5 مجم مرة واحدة يوميا.


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