

Aloe Vera Gel with (N/Oils)
it combines between benefits of Aloe Vera with vitamin A & B & C as well as the benefits of natural oils that moisturize the skin such as Argan oil , Jojoba oil , Coconut oil and Sweet almond oil

For hair : increase hair density of eyebrows and eyelashes
moistures hair and provides it vitality and strength
repairs damaged hair
Used two or three times per a week after washing hair
Used as conditioner for very dry hair by distributing it on the hair completely and leave it half an hour and rinsed with water.

For skin : One of the best natural masks which get rid of impurities , fats and blackheads
Fights and prevent wrinkles
Natural eye make up-removal,free from any chemicals
act as protective layer against sunlight
Used for 3 to 5 times per a day
Also it is used as a basic step after washing the face

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