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CEFAXONE 2 GM I . V 1 VIAL سيفاكسون 2 جم – 1 فيال



* CEFAXONE (Ceftriaxone) 2 gm Powder for solution for I.V. Infusion. 1 Vial + 4 Vial water for injection.
& & Broad Spectrum Antibiotic – Third-Generation Cephalosporin.
* Cefaxone 2 gm I.V.:
& & – Each Vial contains: Ceftriaxone sodium 2.38 gm equivalent to 2 gm Ceftriaxone activity.
& & – For Intravensous (IV) Infusion.
* Store at temperature not exceeding 30 degrees C, in dry place.
* Storage after reconstitution: store at temperature 2-8 degrees C, to be used within 24 hours.

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